Announcing Soap-2-Go.

Soap-2-Go is the mobile extension to this blog. It's an immediate feed coming through from a location where the instant nature of the photo and its exhibit is part of process. The process of immediate and disposable art culture is a fascinating study. Today, the digital capture of something artistic for the sake of record or for the sake of a bolt of creative need or drive seems effortless. Images are captured as we are traditionally accustomed to - momentarily define or state who we are or where we have been or what we have witnessed.

Yet millions of these digital captures remain dormant. There is this universal process left undeveloped. Unfulfilled. A mass flash of inspiration embedded in a silicon desert of CCD's amounting to nothing more than a moment's departure into a curiosity. Not one to let these moments of inspiration escape, Soap-2-go is a blog concept created to allow the inspiration to flow beyond the minimal landscape of the device itself. Its a portal into the unknown. The democracy of art, its freedom, its availability to each of us, to inspire and ignite emotive reactions, to whatever the scale, is the experiment behind Soap-2-Go.



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