International Food Fiesta, 212107
The Class of Art of the Snapshot Summer 2007 decided to have a festival of food since there were so many different nationalities present on the course and in true style they created some AMAZING dishes. Julia and I offered to host it and it turned out to be a fabulous Saturday, despite the rain. Along with the food tasting, hikes into the Chiltern countryside were on offer and here we see those willing to risk the wet.
Hope you all had as good a time as we did, making your chocolate torte while we were in the woods for 2 hours.
Pay it forward.
Every once in a while there is something that you come across that is too good to keep to yourself. May it inspire you as it did me.
Dedication and tenacity pay off for SFX student.
A year and a half ago I was lecturing at an evening course in Clapham South. It was a beginner's digital photography course and I was nervous because it was a new syllabus I developed and not conducted yet. Fifteen people were in attendance - a sell out. As I asked people to introduce themselves I also asked them to show us the camera they would be using during the ten weeks. One by one the names were said and the cameras came out. All were these point and shoot basics which made me think they were all coming here and starting from the absolute beginning. As I got to the 15th person, he introduced himself as Martin and from beneath the table rose this massive Nikon D1x. I thought - what on earth possesses someone to buy a D1x as a "beginner" camera? As the class looked on they resembled a group backing away from an aggressive dog. Martin quickly calmed everyone down by saying he didn't even know how to turn it on and was just as intimidated by it as everyone else.
A year and a bit more on and Martin's work has been seen in the national and local newspapers and even on various television networks. The day he walked into my course he wanted to become a photojournalist. He is now that. Outside of some adult education classes to formalise what he had been learning on his own, he is practically self taught. He has now moved on to the next wave of digital photojournalism and is advancing himself beyond what some of his peers have formed a resistance to -- using digital video capture and from that isolating a shot for a still photo use in papers and magazines.
I have had the pleasure of watching Martin move from strength to strength in the last 18 months.
On Demand Media
Visit the link above to witness his most recent portfolio --- Enjoy! And congrats Martin on a successful drive forward.
A year and a bit more on and Martin's work has been seen in the national and local newspapers and even on various television networks. The day he walked into my course he wanted to become a photojournalist. He is now that. Outside of some adult education classes to formalise what he had been learning on his own, he is practically self taught. He has now moved on to the next wave of digital photojournalism and is advancing himself beyond what some of his peers have formed a resistance to -- using digital video capture and from that isolating a shot for a still photo use in papers and magazines.
I have had the pleasure of watching Martin move from strength to strength in the last 18 months.
On Demand Media
Visit the link above to witness his most recent portfolio --- Enjoy! And congrats Martin on a successful drive forward.
Photographer's London SOLD OUT
This workshop just gets more and more popular. The next date is set for January 12 - February 9, 2008 Saturdays, 10 - 4. Details can be found HERE.
Now here's a place you don't expect to see your image every day.

Yup. I've always wanted the cover of a book, but who would have thought?!
But just in case curiosity got the better of you - "click"

"Armed with a Hasselblad 503 cx, Polaroid back and Fuji FP 100C Polaroid film I ended up wandering through London. It was when I entered the Tube I became aware of my process for this day. It seemed to me that in a very fast moving train, in a very fast moving city there was this point of stillness settling. If you looked long enough at someone you could see it. An anxious calm developing on the faces that marched through the streets and undergrounds. People became these puddles of calm, like after a thunderstorm, the cooling period."
Kathrin Brunnhofer from Art of the Snapshot.